26, 2002
seems I have some more
people to
thank for links already.
You're all really far too kind. The rest of you who haven't
linked, however, are most likely not kind enough. Clearly
this is a problem that must be remedied.
I'm off to college for the first time in my life this Tuesday,
which means a couple things. First off, my entire life structure
is about to drastically change to a degree that I am neither
prepared for, nor even fully understand. Secondly, and much
more importantly for you, I won't be connected to the internet
for a couple days to fix anything on the site that may go
wrong. So if the comics don't show up or something, I'll
fix it in a few days. Until then, you can just pray that
no more tragedy will befall your fragile lives.
other news, the open arms with which the webcomic community
has welcomed in MiH has caused a sudden wave of generosity
to overwhelm my cold, dead heart. As such, I'm going to
take some time now to link a few of the higher quality,
lesser known strips that I am aware of.
the first comic, could I list anything other than Arrogance
in Simplicity? I think not. While not being the most
aesthetically pleasing strip, it's consistently hilarious
and articulate. Not many, if any, comics can make me laugh
at such a constant pace. Plus, Caph is a great guy. So go
read the comic.
Cone V is so under appreciated that it should be on
here twice. Actually, here.
Now it is. Clearly that is an endorsement of such magnitude
that you can not help but feverishly click on one of the
links and then read the archives until your eyes crust over.
So do it. The comic is quite good.
finally, there's Basil
Flint, the epic story of a man and his booze and women.
Okay, maybe epic is the wrong word. Really wrong. But nonetheless,
it is a great strip, very funny, and very well drawn/colored.
Why you haven't started reading it yet is mostly likely
a mystery that will plague both myself and the scientific
community for generations to come.
that's enough for today.
Wait, no it's not. HDTC
is back. How 'bout them apples?
AUGUST 19, 2002
off, to everyone
who linked to here for the official launch, thank you very much.
As Isaac Brock would say, you're the good things.
Second order of business, I'd also like to take the time to
thank everyone who took the time to come and read the comic,
as well as explain a little bit about it to those who may
be bewildered by the strange and fanciful apparition they
see in front of them. Men in Hats is the sophomore
comic effort of of me, Aaron Farber, and is the story of several
men (in hats) who live in the desert. The comic follows their
exploits, usually in one-shot form rather than storylines.
If it seems strange and unfunny at first, it's probably because
you love it so much that your brain is bewildered by these
new levels of emotion. I would suggest that the only solution
is more reading.
and there's already a 2 week archive for you to peruse, so
do so now!
think that's it for now. So tell me what
you think.
Edit: Happy birthday Scrubbo! |